Create a script for the monkey tower

To help you get started, we've added a single monkey tower, a nice background and some bloons.

The monkey tower isn't doing anything yet. Your mission is to write the code to make the tower shoot.

> Right-click on the monkey tower and select Edit Script, as shown below:

This script controls the monkey tower. You are going to give it a unique name so that it can be identified by other scripts in this game. We call this tagging.

> Open Events, and drag the When created block into the work space.

The "When created" block will run your code at the very start of the game each time it is played.

> Open Sensing and drag the block Add tag 'tag name' on myself inside the When created event block.

> Click on tag name to change it to monkey (make sure you spell it just like that with lowercase letters).

> Now you're going to test your game. When your game opens, click on the game to make a dart appear in front of the monkey.

> Got it? Now click PLAY to test your game.

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