Step 3: Waiting for danger to pass.

> Open Level 3 in the levels tab. (You might need to click the arrows next to the levels if you can't see Level 3.)

This level will have a car driving along the road. You need to code the chicken to get the coin without being hit.

This time you need to broadcast a "wait" message in your script. This will ensure that our chicken pauses to let the car pass by before crossing the road.

> Right-click on the chicken in Level 3 to Edit its Script.

> Use the same blocks you have used in previous steps. But this time, add a "broadcast message" block into your sequence of blocks and change "message" to "wait".

Click Play and select Level 3 to see what you've told the chicken to do. If the chicken moves to the coin, continue to the next step. Otherwise, have a look back over your script and make sure the correct blocks are used.

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