Step 8: Last step

One more level, then you're done. You've been thinking like a computer scientist to solve problems by coding sequences of instructions.

> Open Level 8 in the levels tab.

> Edit the script on the chicken. This time you need to use all your wits, combine even more blocks to reach your goal.

Remember that you'll need:

  • "When the level starts" from Events
  • multiple "Broadcast message" blocks from Events
  • to change "message" to either "up", "down", "left", or "right" in each broadcast block

Here are the first few blocks to get you started:

> Add the rest of the blocks you need to get the chicken to the coin.

> Play the game and select Level 8 to see if you succeeded.

Congratulations! By completing these steps you've shown that you know how to:

  • Analyze problems to break them down into a sequence of steps.
  • Create algorithms to run those steps as a sequence of instructions.
  • Execute algorithms with programs that are activated by an event.
  • Debug simple algorithms by identifying and fixing problems.

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