Publishing (sharing)

When you're finished filling in your pepeha, you can share it on the internet so anyone can play it.

Click settings sidebar button and make sure your game has a name and description filled out.

In the menu bar, click Publish and choose Publish to Gamefroot.

Once it's published, click on the link in the Publish window to open the game.

Congratulations! You can share this link with your friends and family, and anyone can now play your game.

Hour of Code: I'm finished with my Hour of Code

Mobile testing

Now that you've finished you can try the game on your phone.

First you'll need to enable the mobile controls. You can make them visible in the layers panel by clicking on the eye icon next to "Mobile Controls".

The controls will appear underneath the beginning section. Right-click on both the directional buttons and the up button, and edit their instance properties.

Set "enabled?" to true.

Now that the controls are enabled, click the mobile icon in the sidebar on the left, and click Generate Code.

Now get the Gamefroot App on your phone by clicking the "Get it on Google Play" button.

Enter the Game Code into the app to play your game. Congratulations!

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