waka - canoe

Pepeha tell the story of how your tūpuna (ancestors) came to Aotearoa in large waka. Each waka had a name, and māori can track their family history back to those waka.

Today your waka might include the airplane or ship that your whānau (family) came to Aotearoa on.

Now use the move tool again to advance to step #3, right click on the icon and click Edit Script.

Click on the blue block inside set text waka to "_". Type in the name of the waka that brought your tūpuna to Aotearoa.

There are three true/false blocks. Select the option that best explains how your tūpuna came to be in Aotearoa, and set that block to true. Make sure the other two are set to false.

Click the X button to save your answer. Your answer will be visible when you are playing the game.

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