
Māori also took note of the important waterways (awa/rivers, roto/lakes, and moana/seas) in their environment and became closely connected with them too.

Use the move tool to advance to the moana section by clicking and moving the screen.

Right-click on the on the #2 icon and select Edit Script from the dropdown options.

You'll need to enter the name of your awa, roto, or moana, as well as completing the programming for the overlapping detection.

Click on the blue block inside set text awa/roto/moana to "_". Enter the name of your awa, roto or moana that you feel closely connected to.

Now choose which type of body of water this is from either awa (river), roto (lake), or moana (sea).

Click on one of the blue true or false blocks. Make sure only one of these blocks is set to true, and the other two are set to false.

Click the X button to save your answer. Your answer will be visible when you are playing the game.

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