Testing your game

Click the Play button above, and wait for your game to load.

To help you get started, we've made a pepeha template for you to complete.

You'll have to fill in the blanks in Gamefroot.

Click the Close button to exit play mode.

When you've completed this section, click NEXT STEP below.

> Don't forget to Save your game regularly by clicking File > Save Game.

maunga - mountain

When māori setup their homes in this new land, they took note of the important landmarks such as mountains.

Find and click the move tool button, it looks like a cross with arrows on each end:

Use the move tool to advance to the maunga section by clicking and dragging on the screen. Find the red circle with the number 1 in it:

Right-click the on the red circle and select Edit Script from the dropdown options.

This script has already been programmed, so all you need to add is the name of your maunga.

Click on the blue block inside the block named set text maunga to "_" and type in the name of your maunga.

Then click the Play button to preview your game with your mountain name added in.

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